Investing in Agri-Value Chains through CSR, Creating Multiplier Effect

CSRBOX has been hosting the annual India CSR Summit for the past 7 years. The Summit has been the largest CSR and social impact event in the South Asia region with participation of 1800 organisations and 2400+ delegates every year.

At the 8th India CSR Summit 2021 (7th-9th Dec 2021), we hosted 'Investing in Agri-Value Chains through CSR, Creating Multiplier Effect', with following speakers:

  • Moderator: Mr. Pravesh Sharma, Director, Samunnati Agro
  • Mr. Saurabh Singh, President, ICICI Foundation
  • Mr. Amit Kumar Singh, Country Representative, India, Tanager
  • Mr. Rishi Pathania, CSR Head, UPL Ltd
  • Mr. Chaitanya Krishna Arimilli, CSR Business Partner-Strategic Projects & Bayer Foundation India

    During this insightful discussion, the speakers shared their learnings, thoughts and experiences around the following points:

  • What are the key Challenges in the agriculture ecosystem that hampers or slows the growth of the sector?
  • What is the role that businesses can play beyond business as usual to enhance the agriculture ecosystem or to address a few of the challenges, even if it’s about piloting an initiative and creating a case for scaling up
  • What are the existing agri-value chain-based CSR interventions or donor-funded programs that have been successful in creating a multiplier effect?
  • How can government schemes on agriculture be leveraged through catalytic funding from CSR and philanthropic donors?
  • How can affordable agri-tech interventions be useful for sustainable agri-value chain interventions?
  • What are the fundamental healthcare challenges in India and how CSR can be a catalyst to provide affordable healthcare models that can be scaled up from pilot to public?
  • How do we look at collaboration as a key and strengthen the existing government set up, undertake strategic initiatives that solve problems/challenges step by step?