Last Updated:  25/08/2023

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Project Pitch By: Maitrayana Charity Foundation


Proposed Project Title

Economic Justice Programme for Young Women


Thematic Area

Gender equality, women empowerment , senior citizens and economically backward groups

Sub Thematic Area

Women Empowerment

Project Synopsis

Adolescent girls and young women who have graduated from Maitrayana YPI Pragati programme can enrol for the Economic Justice Programme (EJP). The EJP is designed for young women (18-25 year) from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are often not able to access hard skills trainings, opportunities to develop their life and employability skills. They face barriers to enter an economic pathway such as restrictions on mobility, freedom of choice e.g. on time being spent on study/career, job preference, and the presence of gender discrimination and gender based violence etc. The EJP helps them to set their life goals and develop skills to find and keep employment and make/negotiate for decisions in their lives. This project focuses on orienting girls and young women on career options through sessions and company visits and with sessions to prepare them to become job ready.

Overview of the Proposed Project

Estimated Budget
below INR 0.3 Cr
Proposed Location
South Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore

Key Project Partners

Project Status
Already Implemented-Replicable


Beneficiary Type (Primary): Adolescent
Beneficiary Type (Secondary): Women
Estimated No. of Beneficiaries: 100 - 500 Individuals
Status of Baseline Survey: Already Done

Proposed Project Description

Maitrayana uses sport as a tool to empower girls and young women. It runs the Young People’s Initiative with as its flagship programme Pragati, a netball and life skills programme for adolescent girls (10-17 year) in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. After graduation they can continue different pathways in Maitrayana depending on their age such as participation in girls led netball clubs, thematic sessions for older girls that empower them to make/influence critical decisions e.g. delaying marriage etc. and the Economic Justice Programme which is designed for young women (18-25 year).

The Economic Justice Programme is designed for participants from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who might or might not be in education currently, with access to hard skills, life skills, sport & leadership- and employability skills to start their economic empowerment journey. Within the education system, beneficiaries from this target group are not provided with (e.g. science education at exam level, English and computer) skills that prepare them for the job market or entrepreneurship. Their families and communities, often, put-up barriers for them to enter an economic pathway such as restrictions on mobility, freedom of choice e.g. on time being spend on study/career, job preference, and the presence of gender discrimination and gender based violence etc.

Beneficiaries of the project are 14 – 25-year-old participants of the Young People’s Initiative sport for development programme for adolescent girls. It builds on the knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviour that these school going girls develop in the process. They participate in awareness and goal setting sessions, training, internships and mentoring sessions. Selection is based on their goals and whether they can be met under this project. Many of the reasons that could exclude young women from the programme through regular selection (lack of time, safety, lack of skills) are often characteristics of gender inequality. Therefore, Maitrayana works with the young women and their parents to address this as a structural problem rather than accept it as a reason to discount them as beneficiaries.

The proposed objective for this grant is:

  • To orient adolescent girls and young women (14 – 25 year) to their right to (decent) work and set goals to work towards an economic pathway
  • To expose adolescent girls (14 – 17 year) to economic/career opportunities which they (and their parents) might not consider due to their lack of exposure and/ or presence of gender biases.
  • To guide young women (18 – 25 year) on their economic pathway through mentoring, facilitation of soft/employability skills sessions (life skills and I’m Job Ready Module), English and computer skills

 Under the project, Maitrayana will

  • Work with 200 adolescent girls and young women (14 – 25 year) who are oriented to their right to (decent) work and supported to set goals to work towards an economic pathway.
  • Work with 50 young women (18 – 25 year) who will start their economic pathway supported by mentoring, facilitation of soft/employability skills sessions (life skills and I’m Job Ready Module), English and computer skills.
  • Expose 100 adolescent girls (14-17 year to economic/career opportunities through company/corporate visits.

Salient Features

  1. Besides training in hard skills, EJP focuses on addressing the barriers that young women are facing in their economic empowerment journey such as restrictions in mobility, the division of labour with an uneven division of domestic labour, the presence of gender based discrimination and violence
  2. It supports the young women by supporting them in developing their soft skills and mentoring them to use their agency to negotiate with important others to pursue their career/future goals.
  3. The project aims at equipping the young women with skills and attitudes that will help them to navigate their economic pathway also when their circumstances change (marriage, children etc.)

About Maitrayana Charity Foundation

Maitrayana is a girls and women’s rights organisation that leverages the power of sport to create ecosystems that empower girls and young women to exercise their rights and fulfil their potential. In its programmes it addresses gender inequality in the society by equipping girls and young women with assets such as knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviour and confidence that will enable them to make/influence decisions in their lives.

Maitrayana is a Not-for-Profit organisation under Section 8 of the Companies Act (since 2018). It is led by senior management with more than 60 years of experience in using sport as a tool for women’s empowerment. The YPI in Maitrayana started its implementation in October 2021. By March 2023, it had reached out to 5,284 adolescent girls and young women in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.

Maitrayana’s values are integrity, transparency, respect and inclusion.

The organisation has an active board and has an ambitious 5-year strategic plan 2023 – 2028. Besides working with adolescent girls and young women, it also works with families and communities and the wider ecosystem such as NGOs, companies etc to work towards its vision.


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