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Last Updated on February 22, 2021
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Established In 2009
About the organization
Aatapi Seva Foundation is a Voluntary Organisation, incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 (Section 8) as a “not for profit Company” working towards holistic and sustainable community development through promotion and strengthening of Community Based Organizations. They strive to facilitate the holistic and sustainable development of the community through need based interventions voiced by the community. Established in 2008, Aatapi evolved in response to the needs that emerged in the course of a baseline study conducted in four villages of Gajera, Piludara, Kareli and Vedach villages in Jambusar taluka of Bharuch district, Gujarat. These needs emerged from a dynamic engagement between the founding corporate and the local community. Aatapi’s field of activity is now concentrated in 53 villages of Jambusar and Ankleshwar blocks in Bharuch District.
Aatapi’s interventions stress Financial Inclusion, with emphasis on women’s empowerment, natural resource management and conservation, encouraging scientific practices to enhance traditional sources of livelihood such as agriculture and animal husbandry and developing alternative sources of livelihoods. Apart from these, they have also extensively worked on the health and well-being of the community members especially the pregnant and lactating women, adolescents and children under the age of 5 years. They have also strived toward provision of opportunities aiming for a quality and holistic education of the children. Their program of inclusion has helped them to grow in their deed of enabling Persons with disabilities to stand for their rights through a collective's formation. Aatapi believes that the journey from disempowerment to empowerment is a process of negotiating, redefining and pushing boundaries to claim a dignified space in society for the underprivileged and the marginalised.
'Vision: We envision an inclusive, empowered and just society, enabling equitable opportunities and a life of dignity for the most marginalised.'
'Mission: To facilitate and empower local communities, especially the most marginalised to realise their latent potential, and to be active participants and owners of their inclusive and sustainable development.'
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Special features of the organization
Why should a corporate partner with organization?
Aatapi specialises in building and mentoring community based organisations that are the key to sustanaible development. They believe in co-creation enabling a strong community ownership and sustenance. As they move toward equipping communities with skills necessary to sustain in the current century, it is imperative to invest in the capacity building and provision of inclusive opportunities for the same. Aatapi believes in diligently working hard and striving to learn from opportunities and challenges. Since CSR is interested in long term impacts and sustained programs, it will be useful to collaborate with grassroots organisation like Aatapi for a greater societal impact. Aatapi, starting with activities in four villages covering 300 families in 2008-9, today reaches out to more than 7500 small and marginal farmers, socio-economically marginalised women, and single women, Persons with Disabilities, adolescents and children in 53 villages in Jambusar and Ankleshwar blocks of Bharuch District, Gujarat.
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