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Last Updated on August 13, 2019
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Tax Compliance Eligibility
Established In 1994
About the organization
CBM started its journey in India, in 1967 with education for visually impaired children in the state of Kerala. The programmes grew to include those with other disabilities, with community based rehabilitation and education programmes. The operations were run by CBM Liaison office. In 1994 CBM started a new entity named CBM India Trust. The registered trust under the Indian Trust Act 1882 having its registration No. 431/1994 started the work across India focusing on disability inclusion.
CBM’s strategy is designed to bring effective transformational change to the lives and communities of persons with disabilities living in poverty, by becoming the leading organisation in Disability-Inclusive Development. The strategic goals of CBM is to strengthen the voice and autonomy of people with disabilities (individuals); Build resilient inclusive communities (communities); Build inclusive and sustainable local and national systems and services (systems); Ensure that populations affected by natural and man-made disasters have access to inclusive humanitarian assistance and protection (emergencies). Our thematic focus is health, education and livelihood.
In 2018, 26,22,181 Lakhs persons were screened (50.52% male; 49.48%)and examined as part of prevention and reduction of disability in India and 500,000 people with disability (56% male; 44% female) were reached. Of which,
Special features of the organization
Why should a corporate partner with organization?
Why CBM?
We are the single largest NGO working in the sector of disability across India .The uniqueness of CBM lies in our working model–we seek sustainability, scalability, accountability, transparency, credibility and effective leadership while delivering programmes. This working model has made us one of the most sought after NGO today in the disability sector. Our partners include Wipro Cares, HDFC, CRISIL, ONGC, Sonata Software, Bharathi Cement, Thomson Reuters among few.
Diverse Set of Thematic Areas:
Action in CSR largely spans a diverse set of thematic areas – health, education, livelihood, poverty alleviation, women empowerment, child development, environment, water, housing, and microfinance. In general, it was found that while some companies narrow their focus on a few thematic areas, others have a broader view. In CBM, we undertake a larger scope of thematic areas to create wider and long term impact. Our strategy is community-based inclusive development.
Wide Geographic Spread:
Partnering with CBM allows companies to execute programme in their ‘Impact’ areas, with our centres across 26 states in India.
Well-defined Projects:
CSR is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by the impacts of the programmes supported. CBM’s expertise in planning and implementing programmes helps us offer well-defined development programmes with clear objectives and outcomes. While planning the proposal, beneficiaries, especially people with disabilities are involved so that the project reflects strong qualities of participation and community ownership. We also take inputs from the donors through discussions and research on donor priorities while developing the projects.
Greater Evaluation leading to Stricter Accountability & Transparency:
Corporates are now undertaking greater evaluation and stricter accountability and transparency norms, and based on that public disclosure is done. Companies can do it only if there is quality implementation of the programme. CBM ensures systematic monitoring through project coordinators conduct periodic meetings while grassroots mobilizers facilitate the component of community participation, capacity building as per project deliverable. Our evaluation and audit mechanism ensure right usage of funds and ultimately contribute a huge social return on investments
Quality Reporting with Consumer-Facing Stories:
A very important aspect of CSR is the reporting practices that companies adhere to inform their key internal and external stakeholders of social responsibility practices. In the recent past, several indicators such as the Global Reporting Initiatives guidelines and Sustainability Reporting have been developed. A well-drafted Sustainability report provides a balanced and reasonable representation of the sustainability performance of a reporting organization. The subject experts and professionals of CBM ensure the submission of quality project reports, which enable the company to further frame their sustainable reporting. Our creative team also translates corporate responsibility into customer-facing stories.
Partnership Modes with Corporates and Institutions:
Corporates/foundations have a strong will to dedicate their resources for a social cause, but sometimes find it difficult to reach the people in greatest need. CBM acts as a catalyst working towards sustainable development while helping companies to invest in social initiatives. Our partnership with many corporates has brought a sea of change in the lives of underprivileged people including people with disabilities. Below are the modes through which a donor can partner with us:
Support a Project with grants:
You may choose any project from our wide thematic areas; you can choose to support an entire project or just a part of it. You may choose the project near your unit, any particular state where the need is felt. We have centers across India
Pay Roll Giving (PRG):
Encourage your employees to set aside a specific amount as a contribution towards the cause they care about. This would act as an extended arm for your brand with a proven CSR advantage but also help catalyze positive change towards your chosen cause. A decided amount can be deducted on payday and sent to CBM as a consolidated amount. Employees will receive a payment summary at the end of the financial year along with a tax exemption certificate
Seasonal giving:
Lets encourage the employees to contribute with donations that can transform the lives of people with disabilities. We can pool in funds during various festive seasons like – Deepavali, Christmas, Holi, Ramzan or any festival of your interest
One time donations for Emergency response:
CBM can design specific project during natural disasters. We have years of experience in taking up projects for immediate relief and long term rehabilitation
Get access audit done for your office buildings:
CBM is empanelled access auditors under GoIs accessible India campaign. You can reach us for audits to strengthen the pillar of diversity & inclusion.
Hire our Trainees: CBM supported Livelihood Resource Centres train youths with disabilities in various vocational trades. You can support us by hiring our trainees
Get registered in portals for people with disabilities: Employers who are willing to hire people with disabilities can get registered in web portals facilitated by CBM. There are two portals – one specifically for people with intellectual disabilities.
Expos/Stalls at your office: People with disabilities in our livelihood units produce various products such as handicrafts, organic products, sanitary napkins, flower sand etc. Customized products can be made to order for big companies. On request, we can have stall at your office on family day, environment day etc. CBM may also organize expo inviting all NGOs in disability sector putting up stalls that further create awareness on disability inclusion among your staff
Organize common events: Every year, we commemorate the ‘World Disability Day’ by organizing various events to create awareness on various themes related to disability. Together we can do tree plantations, walkathons, awareness in schools or colleges etc.
Support High Quality Volunteering: CSR can help boost employee morale in the organization and create a positive brand-centric corporate culture in the organization. With our CSR initiatives, corporate volunteers feel contented and proud. The sense of fulfilment of social responsibility leaves volunteers with a feeling of elation. In CBM, we have a dedicated team for volunteering who plan and coordinate the volunteering activities.
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