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Verified Organization

Last Updated on September 12, 2022

Operation in state

  • Karnataka

Thematic Areas

  • Agriculture,food and nutrition
  • Community Development
  • Disaster Management
  • Energy, Environment and Climate Change
  • Healthcare
  • Human Rights
  • Livelihoods
  • Microfinance
  • Women and Gender

Tax Compliance Eligibility

  • 80G (for 50% tax benefits)
  • 12 A (Tax exemption for NGO income)
  • FCRA (Eligible for international funding)
  • Organization Registration Certificate


Verified Organization

Established In 2009

Registration No. :CSR00005239

No. 3826, Nityadhar Building , Tipu Sultan Nagar, Machhe , Belgaum , Karnataka , 590014

About the organization

SEVAK – Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka is a charitable and registered organization under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act – 1960 in the year 2009 at Belagavi. The main purpose of establishing SEVAK encompass organize communities around issues related to ensuring basic human needs of the vulnerable families, increasing income, protecting and promoting child rights, promoting women empowerment, promoting economic opportunities, providing access to primary health care services, education and disaster management.

SEVAK is a committed and well reputed organization working for the socio-economic development of the poor and underprivileged sections in the society, ever since its inception, SEVAK’s services are rendered to all needy communities and families irrespective of caste, creed, color and race but with more emphasis child and families and the most marginalized among the disadvantaged.

Vision:  A just society wherein all children and families lead an empowered life.

Mission: SEVAK aims to empower the socially and economically weaker sections of the society especially women,  children, aged and disables through providing advice, information, services and by the intermediary organizations in extending cooperation and facilitation and initiate necessary support for their self-reliance.

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Special features of the organization

  • SEVAK – Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka have focused on four Community Impact Objectives, three Partner Objectives and Building the organization’s capacities based on current strengths.
  • Objective 1: Basic Human Needs: Help ensure shelter, basic medical care, and access to education, access to nutritious food, and safety for the most vulnerable families in the operational area of SEVAK.
  • Objective 2 : Promotion and Protection of Child Rights:  To ensure all the children enjoy their childhood and rights conferred by theUN Convention on Child Rights. All children are protected and free from all kinds of physical, emotional, sexual exploitation and neglect and the families and society ensure providing them adequate safeguarding environment where they are not abused.
  • Objective 3: Women Empowerment and Economic Opportunity:  Fostering a Gender sensitive society and where women have equal and opportunity to participate in all aspects. Existence of a conducive environment for women to thrive to their full potentiality. Further, SEVAK foresees interconnected and culturally vibrant communities in which low income families have tools and opportunities necessary for income and employment security that lead to economic self-sufficiency.
  • Objective 4: Disaster Management: Responding to emergency situations to provide relief to the vulnerable communities during natural disasters and pandemic situations shall be one of the major objectives of SEVAK.  The hard hit Floods situation and CIVID 19 pandemic during the past three years compelled us to respond to the needs of the communities who became vulnerable to lose their basic human needs and forced them to be dependent.

Why should a corporate partner with organization?

SEVAK – Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka encompasses communities around issues related to ensuring basic human needs to the vulnerable families, increasing income, protecting and promoting child rights, promoting women empowerment, promoting economic opportunities, providing access to primary health care services, education and human resources development. SEVAK is a committed and well reputed organization working for the socio-economic development of the poor and underprivileged sections in the society, ever since its inception. SEVAK’s services are rendered to all needy communities and families irrespective of caste, creed, color and race but with more emphasis on children and families and the most marginalized among the disadvantaged.

  • 1600 Early Married Girls Participated in the Awareness Programme.
  • 780 Vulnerable Girls safeguarded.
  • 3500 Vulnerable Girls participated in raising the awareness program.
  • 27 girls were protected by the Child Protection Committee.
  • 394 exploited Girls got educational support.
  • 700 Vulnerable Girls got counseling.
  • 1058 community people participated in the Child Protection Committee.
  • 7 Documents presented.
  • 18 Government officials were trained.
  • 173 Early Married Girls benefited from healthcare facilities.
  • 97 Early Married Girls got vocational training.
  • 105 Early Married Girls were trained on Livelihood activities.
  • 4700 Devdasi identified in Belagavi District.
  • 160 Exploited Girls Identified and counselled.
  • 435 Vulnerable Girls Identified and counselled.
  • 20 Kishori Groups Formed with 30 members each.
  • Kishori Groups were trained as Agent of Change and on child rights.
  • 30000 people benefited from the Mobile Medical Unit every year.
  • 2000 plus people get the first aid every year with the Mobile Medical Unit.
  • As a Nodal NGO SEVAK has achieved 100% Covid 19 Vaccination in Belagavi District.
  • Identified 8700 domestic workers working in Belagavi City.
  • 625 domestic workers benefited from the Awareness Program.
  • 350 Covid Affected families supported Income Generation activities with MF and matching grants.




Chief Functionary

Name :  
Anand Lobo
Designation :  
Secretary & CEO
Email :  


Name :  
Anand Lobo
Designation :  
Secretary & CEO
Email 1 :  
Phone :  

Project Detail of Organization

Nurturing Movement of Girls and Young Women as Agents of Change to Ascertain their Rights
Project Type: Donor funded
Long Term Objective: To empower girls and young women, who are victims and survivors of early mar....
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Operationalizing of Mobile Medical Units In Underserved and Unreached Areas
Project Type: Government
To provide primary public health care services including referral services. To contribute to the ....
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