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Last Updated on July 27, 2023
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Established In 1988
About the organization
Native Medicare Charitable Trust, known as NMCT was registered under Charitable Trust Act in 1988. It began its activities with research on Alternate Medicines, Bio Diversity conservation, Environmental Protection, Waste Management, Forestry Seeds collection by organizing of Adivasis in Tribal Villages, followed by a major protect on " Integrated Sustainable Livelihood for Tribes". Simultaneously NMCT entered into Health care activities including Health care for Adolescent girls, Care and Support for people and children infected/affected by HIV/AIDS and awareness on Prevention of HIV/AIDS among industrial migrants. NMCT works in 17 districts through conducting Silai Schools of Usha International Ltd empowering Rural women and Girls aiming at their livelihood. NMCT also supports for Health and Nutrition Education and Promotion of Sanitation infrastructures at Government Schools.
In the meanwhile, the Trust started focusing on child development as one of its core areas. During 1998 to 2002 and 2005 to 2006, the Trust was closely associated with ‘Kovai Child Labor Abolition Service Society’, rescued child laborers from the brick kilns and mainstreamed them to school education. Further, with the support of Karl Kubel Stiftung (KKS), Germany, the Trust set up 20 special schools and educated 1625 children during the period 2002 - 2007. The Trust established the ‘Abhaya Students Shelter’, a home and a protective shelter for the under-privileged and destitute girl children and enabled such children to access school education.NMCT is accredited by Creditability Alliance, Guide Star India-Transparency Key, Member of the National CSR HUB of TATA institute of Social Sciences
NMCT focuses on education, health, sustainable livelihood development and environment as long time commitment with an integral approach to address social and economical issues.
Vision :
Sustainable holistic development among the under-served
Mission :
Capacity building promotion and support service towards achieving socio – economic empowerment
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Special features of the organization
Why should a corporate partner with organization?
NMCT partnering with major corporate for supporting the poorest of the poor in the community. NMCT is a gross root level organization with 31 years of experience in development sector. Our focuses on Education, Health, Livelihood promotion, Tribal Development and Environment have impacted to several lives in the society and thematic areas will directly support to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Organisation has a strong and committed staff team who are experienced and well qualified in the social sector. Based on the previous experience in handling the CSR projects, NMCT understands the Corporate project structure, reporting pattern both program & finance , formats and impact envisaged.
Chief Functionary
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