Making Amalner Open Defecation Free-Maharashtra- CSR Projects India

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Making Amalner Open Defecation Free


Organization : Gujarat Mahila Housing Sewa Trust


Location : Maharashtra


Project Description

MHT is implementing a project “Making Amalner Defecation Free” with the support of HSBC bank. Government of Maharashtra through HSBC approached MHT for assistance on making cities in Maharashtra Open Defecation Free. After initial dialogues and a rapid survey for two cities, MHT has initially proposed to initiate the programme in Amalner.  The project is being implemented in 11 slums of Amalner, Jalgaon district, Maharashtra. The main strategic focus of the project is to work with the Government and the slum residents of Amalner and towards making Amalner Open Defecation Free and sustain the status. Different strategies are formed for achieving the goal such as awareness campaigns and activities for mobilizing the community for stopping open defecation and construct individual toilets, liasioning with government for releasing subsidy, providing Micro-Finance, Demolition of Open Defecation Spots by beautification, reviving wells through rain roof water harvesting for solving the water issues of community and motivating them to build toilets, mobilizing community to use community toilets and opt for shared toilets.
Capacity Building Workshops are organized to train the community women about the basic services and developing their knowledge and skills for obtaining its benefit from government. After the trainings Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are formed with 12 women who represent their slums. CBOs are motivated to identify the problems of their area and solve them by meetings with government and having dialogues with them.  
Through these activities MHT is successful in building toilets 918 toilets benefitting 4590 beneficiaries directly and approximately 10,000 people indirectly.

MHT is implementing a project “Making Amalner Defecation Free” with the support of HSBC bank. Government of Maharashtra through HSBC approached MHT for assistance on making cities in Maharashtra Open Defecation Free. After initial dialogues and a rapid survey for two cities, MHT has initially proposed to initiate the program in Amalner.  The project is being implemented in 11 slums of Amalner, Jalgaon district, Maharashtra. The main strategic focus of the project is to work with the Government and the slum residents of Amalner and towards making Amalner Open Defecation Free and sustain the status. Different strategies are formed for achieving the goal such as awareness campaigns and activities for mobilizing the community for stopping open defecation and construct individual toilets, liasioning with government for releasing subsidy, providing Micro-Finance, Demolition of Open Defecation Spots by beautification, reviving wells through rain roof water harvesting for solving the water issues of community and motivating them to build toilets, mobilizing community to use community toilets and opt for shared toilets.

Capacity Building Workshops are organized to train the community women about the basic services and developing their knowledge and skills for obtaining its benefit from the government. After the training Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) are formed with 12 women who represent their slums. CBOs are motivated to identify the problems of their area and solve them by meetings with the government and having dialogues with them.  

Through these activities, MHT is successful in building toilets 918 toilets benefitting 4590 beneficiaries directly and approximately 10,000 people indirectly.


Project Type : CSR


Special Features of Project


•Mobilize the community to build individual toilets and stop open defecation.
•Training of women and building their capacity to have dialogue with government officials.
  • Mobilize the community to build individual toilets and stop open defecation.
  • Training of women and building their capacity to have dialogue with government officials.

Project Donors and Partners

Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Amalner Nagar Palika, Government of Maharashtra

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