Neev Intervention Program-Tamil Nadu- CSR Projects India

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Neev Intervention Program


Organization : V-Excel Educational Trust


Location : Tamil Nadu


Project Description

Neev Intervention Program is targeted at 2-10 year old children who come from underprivileged backgrounds, and are 'at risk’ or have developmental delays/disabilities. The goal of the NIP is to ensure that underprivileged families who have potentially ‘at-risk’ children in the 2-10 year age range receive resources and support to assist them in maximizing their child's physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. 

We design therapeutic programs for early intervention to prevent disorders that may arise from genetic condition, adverse circumstances and developmental delays. Evaluation of the child’s sensory and developmental needs, along with inputs from the doctor’s report, consultation with parents and observations from house visits forms the basis of the child’s sensory integration and diet program. 


Project Type : CSR


Project Donors and Partners

Wipro Cares

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Adani Hazira Port Private Limited