Online Platform
At CSRBOX we bridge knowledge gaps and information asymmetry by providing a range of services for NGOs and CSR Professionals, to enhance their capacities, aid collaboration, publish knowledge resources, conduct research, amplify their reach and much more. is India’s leading CSR knowledge and impact intelligence driven media platform for the development community. It serves as an enabler, encouraging collaboration and partnerships between CSR stakeholders. Here, we connect and inform over three million professionals and academicians, through CSR data and analytical tools, CSR research reports, impact stories and collaboration platform. is a one stop destination for Donor agencies and Corporate CSR heads to look for meaningful partnerships and enhance their shared value. For donors, CSRBOX provides an interactive dashboard to streamline the process of identifying credible nonprofits aligned to your needs and focus areas, accessing detailed proposals, shortlisting organizations, proposals, products and projects, to further your CSR objectives.
Corporate Login FAQs for CorporateSharing the passion for social development and ensuring that the CSR investments are converted into sustainable and impactful projects, CSRBOX collaborates with some of the best NGOs working on the ground. By providing a conducive environment for nonprofits, CSR foundations and implementing agencies, CSRBOX aids meaningful collaborations. At CSRBOX we also help CSR leaders with ideation, management, communication and outreach support to improve outcomes and accomplish goals. Organizations can login and register on the platform to pitch proposals, shortlist companies, organizations and projects, and convert funding opportunities. Social enterprises, innovators and service providers can also use the platform to enlist, showcase and promote their products and services being offered for the CSR stakeholders.
Organization Login FAQs for Organization