General FAQs on CSRBOX
Q. What is CSRBOX ?
A. CSRBOX ( is India's largest CSR impact-intelligence and partnerships platform. It lists CSR portfolio of 1000+ companies falling under the ambit of mandatory CSR and investing altogether more than INR 10,000 Cr. on CSR projects each year. The platform takes the engagement with organizations a step higher, where not-for-profits and social enterprises are provided support and outreach services to help them connect with businesses that are looking for good CSR implementation partners.
Q. How is CSRBOX platform useful?
A. For Donor agencies/ Corporate: CSRBOX provides a host of services for catalysing CSR partnerships. On using the Corporate Login, CSRBOX platform provides a customized Dashboard for Corporate users through which one can identify validated non-profit partners, review CSR profiles of companies & organizations, and shortlist projects, proposals and innovative products. One can also access CSR reports and success stories, and learn about the latest trends and news in the CSR ecosystem. User can also directly contact an Organization by showing interest.
Q. How CSRBOX acts a CSR search engine?
A. CSRBOX acts as a directory of CSR projects, company’s profiles, social businesses, CSR implementing agencies and service providers in India. It helps in understanding theme and geography-wise CSR projects distribution, spend and partnership models. It’s a CSR search engine for companies to find vetted CSR partners, field work agencies and various products suppliers.
Q. In which way CSRBOX offers its services to the members?
A. The symbiotic partnership service focuses on facilitating business-business (B2B) collaboration for larger CSR projects that ultimately helps in reducing the duplication of efforts by various agencies. Broadly, it's a combination of online and offline support services to businesses, CSR service providers and CSR implementation partners to actualize CSR partnerships.
Q. How many companies, projects and organizations are listed on CSRBOX?
A. Currently, we have around 1,200 companies’ profiles, 11,300+ CSR projects, 210+ verified organizations, 140+ CSR products and 90+ CSR proposals mapped on CSRBOX. CSRBOX has added a new section for Employee Volunteering Programmes proposed by some of the best organizations, that can help you improve employee engagement, culture and motivation in your company’s workforce. Upgrading CSR analytics and updating the overall portfolios on the platform is a continuous process. Our research team works on the database on daily basis.
Q. What is CSRBOX outreach?
A. Our Outreach:
Q. How can we update information about company or CSR project or organization?
A. If you are a company/CSR foundation and want to add more details in a CSR project or want to share a video/image of the project, you may write to us with the details at
Q. Where can I find the latest updates on the development sector or any CSR activity?
A. You can visit our section News and Stories for all the latest updates on the CSR front. Here is the link:
Q. What is the impact story section all about and how can I post one story?
A. Impact stories are the CSR projects or activities done by companies or organizations or individuals which have led to a positive effect on the society benefitting many people. Thus, we curate such stories for companies and organizations on the basis of the work that they are doing through our journalist. One can approach to us with such story here:
Q. What comprises the Impact Talks section?
A. ‘Impact Talks’ is a library of videos by top leadership of corporate, CSR heads etc. talking about their pet CSR projects, innovations and the impact it has generated on communities. Here is the link:
Q. Does CSRBOX release research reports on CSR?
A. CSRBOX releases various reports defining the CSR landscape in India, entirely based on the actual CSR spending data of various companies. CSRBOX also provides knowledge resources in the form of Thematic and Geographic CSR Reports, CSR decision-making tools and Sectoral insights.
Q. Where can I find CSR and other relevant reports?
A. Please visit our section CSR Resources section where you will be able to find several CSR Research reports released by CSRBOX and NGOBOX. There are other relevant reports released by Government, UN Organizations, Ministries etc. regarding the development sector. Here is the link:
CSRBOX Dashboard
Q. What is CSRBOX dashboard?
A. CSRBOX’s dashboard is a one-stop platform for corporate and implementing agencies for interaction and establishes symbiotic relationship among respective stakeholders. It offers exclusive access to the detailed proposals of different projects in various thematic areas submitted by the implementing organizations. You can shortlist, rate, review and show interest to the proposals. Further, you may collaborate with organizations in your preferred domain through a transparent process.
Q. What is the advantage of using CSRBOX’s dashboard?
A. Access to the dashboard helps in short listing implementing organizations, innovative products, companies as per thematic areas & geographic preferences etc. You can also develop collaborations accordingly after contacting the respective party by showing interest in their product, proposal or organization.
Q. What is the long term benefit for using the CSRBOX’s dashboard?
A. The platform’s aim is to bridge the gap between the implementing agencies and companies which eventually help in narrowing down the search and identify potential players. This platform will help you save time and effort that usually goes into identification, establishing contact, understanding work and collaboration process. With the help of CSRBOX platform, you can take a pick from a host of Organizations, based on allied interests and requirements, without worrying about their credibility.
Q. Who all can sign-up on this platform?
A. CSRBOX has developed this facility after keeping in mind all the stake holders in the development sector. Individuals representing Companies, CSR Foundations, NGOs, Non- Profits, Government Agencies, Service Providers, and Product Suppliers etc. can register themselves on the dashboard.
Q. What is the process for sign-up?
A. If you work as a Donor, be it a Company or CSR Foundation, then sign-up using the corporate login link. Click here: If you are representing an implementing organization org a social enterprise then sign-up here:
Q. Why there are two separate dashboards for implementing organizations and corporates?
A. Two different dashboards are developed for better flow of information between the parties.
For Corporate
Q. If the company has a CSR Foundation and wants to pitch proposals too, then what is the process?
A. If you want to get your CSR Foundation listed on CSRBOX, then, you need to sign-up as an implementing organization here:
Q. Does CSRBOX provide consulting support?
A. Yes, we provide advisory support in CSR projects ideation, strategic designing and execution with nonprofit partners. Our specialization is in integrating innovations in project design for higher impact and sustainability.
Q. Will my personal contact details be shared with all the implementing organizations?
A. Your contact details will be shared only with the ones in which you show interest. CSRBOX does due diligence to look into any misuse of contact details.