- Designing of Flood and Earthquake resilient school structure to withstand floods, earthquakes, tremors in future, and acts as a safe abode for the children.
- Construction of bright, safe, child-friendly classrooms offering the students an opportunity topursue a quality education in an environment more conducive to learning.
- 3 tier school safety programme involving students, teachers, school management committees and neighbouring communities involving training and capacity building of each of these stakeholders towards a more disaster resilient community.Use of locally available skills and material to have a locally adaptable solution.
- Incorporation of ‘Building as learning aids’ components for qualitative improvement in education, through fun based physical environment building in school infrastructure.
- Re-establishing school education based on INEEE standards
- Participatory approach of intervention inviting engagement from all stake holders including students, teachers, SMCs, and the donor.
Designing of Flood and Earthquake resilient school structure to withstand floods, earthquakes, tremors in future, and acts as a safe abode for the children.
Construction of bright, safe, child-friendly classrooms offering the students an opportunity topursue a quality education in an environment more conducive to learning.
3 tier school safety programme involving students, teachers, school management committees and neighbouring communities involving training and capacity building of each of these stakeholders towards a more disaster resilient community.
Use of locally available skills and material to have a locally adaptable solution.
Incorporation of ‘Building as learning aids’ components for qualitative improvement in education, through fun based physical environment building in school infrastructure.
Re-establishing school education based on INEEE standards
Participatory approach of intervention inviting engagement from all stake holders including students, teachers, SMCs, and the donor